At Natural Equine we have worked with herbs and essential oils for many years and know how beneficial they are in the management of a whole range of situations.
The economical way to let your horse choose what he needs.
Sometimes a mix is convenient. We have Seasonal Mixes and Mixes for common issues.
Many years ago, horses living in the wild would naturally self medicate by seeking out pharmacological substances provided by the land.
Now much of the land has been cultivated with the resulting loss of many sources of natural remedies and horses are commonly kept in urban areas or grazed on fertalized fields, so no longer can horses naturally self-medicate.
As more people look for natural solutions to their horses health issues, pure herbs can play a vital role.
The quality of the raw ingredients is of paramount importance and our herbs are carefully sourced for purity and freshness to ensure maximum potency.
Wherever possible our herbs are organic.