We are a small family business based in the Worcestershire countryside with over thirty years experience working with natural solutions for our own animals. To learn more the history of Natural Equine click here.
Our Philosophy
Simply stated, our philosophy is to keep things as “natural” as possible.
Just using the term “natural” is complicated since many natural (that is not synthetic) compounds are poisons, arsenic probably being the best known example.
As far as our own Natural Equine products are concerned, our philosophy can best be summarized as follows:
RIGHT INGREDIENTS: Each Natural Equine product is based as far as possible on plant extracts and oils. Through our years of experience we know that the quality of the ingredients is key – plant extracts and oils are at their most potent if they are pure and fresh. That is the fundamental issue and we never compromise on this.
We touched briefly on the “what is natural?” question above, and with that in mind we only use vegetable based cleansers and our products contain no synthetic fragrances and no artificial colouring. Our first principle is: always use the purest natural ingredients possible.
RIGHT SCIENCE: Natural Equine products must do the job effectively. So we combine the old fashioned wisdom with the latest technology and scientific formulas to achieve optimal performance.
RIGHT PRODUCT EXPERIENCE: We care about you and your animals so not only must our Natural Equine products do what it says on the bottle, but we also want both you and your animals to enjoy the process. We’re lucky that generally the extracts and oils naturally have a lovely aroma but the feel is important too. And we think we are getting it right because we get so much repeat business – and, naming no names of course, we’ve even heard of cases where the equine shampoo has crept into the shower!
RIGHT MANUFACTURE: All our own products are made in Britain. We use a facility in Devon where we control the manufacturing process so we control the quality.
RIGHT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT: We care about the environment and try to do what we can to minimize a negative impact upon it. We use recyclable bottles and recycle packaging wherever possible.
The Team
Maxine Stewart
I have always worked with horses and in the past I have competed in all disciplines but my real passion is the well-being of the horse.
I had always taken an holistic approach to horse care but the insurmountable problems that I had with my beloved horse Stan brought me to a crossroads in life and my involvement with natural healing really began. It was through my experience with Stan that I become involved with the Alexander Technique and that was the start of a journey that is still continuing today.

Maxine working with Phoenix
I qualified as a teacher of the Alexander Technique in 2000 having completed the intensive three years of training. For me, the Alexander training was a very profound experience and enabled me to recognize the huge potential that we have to affect our own well being and how that could be applied to animals. Since then I have worked as a teacher of the Alexander Technique with both riders and non-riders.

Maxine working at a donkey sanctuary
My work with plant extracts, herbs and oils has led me to study other forms of natural healing. I am now qualified in herbalism and Zoopharmacognosy – this is the process by which animals will select their own medicinal remedies from plants and other sources available to them in their natural state.
As a compliment to this I am qualified to Master/Teacher level in Reiki, a system of natural healing and Equine Shiatsu to Practitioner level.
I now work with Animal Aromatics using both self-selection (Zoopharmacognosy) where this is practical or by muscle testing (Kinesiology).
Pauline & Mick Stewart
There have always been animals in our lives but our equine interests came about because of our daughter Maxine’s passion for horses. It never seemed to be just one but several horses so with several horses around we were all very hands-on.
Back in 2001 we were already officially retired. We had been working with plant extracts, herbs and oils for some time in the care of our own horses, and we understood the beneficial effects these could bring. We had absolute proof that they worked so we were half way there.
Within the family we had somebody with the scientific expertise to put our knowledge and passion into producing the Natural Equine brand.
So now that Natural Equine is firmly established we are trying again to retire so increasingly the reins are being passed over to Maxine.
We know that the brand is in good hands, after all it was Maxine who first brought the plant extracts and oils into our lives.