To see what our customers have said about our products browse below, or click on the topics to jump to specific products.

Rohirrim Veronwe
Hi there further to our conversation at Malvern, I have finally got round to sending you a picture of my stallion. The herbs I purchased from you suit him well.
This is Rohirrim Veronwe and he was Reserve British National Anglo Arab Male Champion. Quite a mouthful that! I will be in touch soon to purchase more herbs from you
Marion Jackson-Smyth August 2014
I just wanted to say Thankyou for a superfast delivery and service once again!
Since giving my horse herbs for his stiff joints, he is so much better! He may be getting older (aren’t we all!) but i can now look forward to many more years of enjoyment together.
Thank you Natural Equine!
A Davis Abergavenny
We bought 2 bottles of Fly-OFF 950ml at Blenheim Horse Trials and are very pleased with the result – the flies certainly don’t like it – up em, as Cpl Jones would have said! Hence this order for a 5 Ltr container this morning.
R. Salmon, Loughton, Essex.
After seeing your advert in Your Horse magazine for Fly-OFF Repellent, I sent off an order for some – you will be pleased to know I am chuffed to bits with it! We have tried various fly repellents on our yard and your product seems to work best against the Dorset bugs. Since then all the other fly repellent products have found their way to the bin!
T. Baker, Poole, Dorset.
Hi, wanted to let you know that I used the main, tail spray on my welsh cob at our county show Royal Cornwall, please see below on how great she looks using your products I recently bought, she won Welsh D mare and gelding with 12 in the class then becoming 2nd reserve Welsh cob in the championship, last year I also bought a few other item from a show you were at which also work great, fly spray works a dream x
Lilian Skyrme June 2015

Kensa Desert Rose

Hi Max,
I met you last week at the national arab champs and spoke to you about my grey tb show horse who has very itchy skin, you recommended your shampoo for greys.
I bathed him in it today and only very quickly. Well the results are amazing with only a very quick shampooing, I could take him into the show ring, he is so clean….and I don’t feel guilty for having to use purple shampoos full of chemicals that I know aggravate his condition. I spend my life teaching and riding other peoples horses and will thoroughly recommend your products. I will also be getting the shampoo for bays as I have an advanced dressage horse who has to look tip top for the arena. Thank you!!
Lottie Mitchell August 2014
I use all of your products on my ponies at home and at shows and haven’t found any product to beat them. We really like your Aromawash Shampoo. It gets my palomino ponies manes and tails really white and then we finish with Top & Tail which leaves them with a fantastic sparkly shine and tangle free.
S.Dobbs, Halesowen,West Midlands.


Henry Spots
I thought you might like to see a photo of my pony, Henry Spots, taken last Sunday at the British Spotted Pony Society National Breed Show at 3 Counties Show Ground. He has been prepared with Equiwash Shampoo. We had 5 Championships in all – Best Gelding, Supreme Gelding, Performance, Senior & National Champion over 42″. NOT BAD FOR A 21 YEAR OLD!!
S. Watkins, Wolverley, Kidderminster.
Last year Yoeland Humbug got very low and his skin and coat suffered terribly. It was about this time that I met Pauline at Natural Equine – that was May. By August I was hooked and bought the whole range in the largest size possible.

Yeoland Humbug
Last summer’s weather was dreadful and more often than not I couldn’t bath Humbug before a show – Sloshwash was my saviour. The morning of the Lobster Pot Final, a quick once over with Sloshwash and he looked a million dollars – the judge obviously thought so too, as he won his section and went on to be 2nd Reserve Champion. The same thing happened at the NPS Championships – this time Humbug was Mini Reserve Champion Home Produced and Champion Mini Working Hunter Pony. With the better weather I can now use Baywash to bring out the full depth of colour of Humbug’s coat. I also use Baywash on a chestnut roan lead rein pony. On a grey, (almost white) working hunter pony and a similar coloured eventer we swear by Whitewash. However, we couldn’t be without the Sloshwash as they can never stay clean overnight!!
We are happy to be associated with Natural Equine and to shout from the rooftops how wonderful their products are. They have totally revolutionised how we prepare the ponies for the show ring the day before and have saved us pounds on all the conditioners and show sheens that we used to waste our money on.
L. Pope, Pyrton, Oxfordshire.

2014 AHS Performance Horse Awards Veteran winner
I recently purchased some Cooling Sloshwash and just wanted to congratulate you on a superb product. I love it, my horses appreciate it and the flies seem to dislike it. Well done for thinking of such an essential item to add to my tack box.
S. Lowe, Lower Quinton Warks.
Enclosed are photos of Amber & Cookie (Chinook Lady Killer) after using your shampoo Baywash. We had two firsts and one second at the show!
T. Davis, Ibstock, Leicester.
A note to say how delighted I have been with the results I have had from using your wonderful horse shampoo Whitewash. It gave me the fantastic results I was looking for. I am delighted, thank you.
A. Knapmal, Foulden, Norfolk.
I am delighted with your products – I use your Top & Tail on my own hair as well as my mare’s thick tail. Let me know of any new products and let me have another order form
C. Roberts, Saxilby, Yorks.
I would like to say how pleased I was with your Top & Tail Detangler. I have a Highland Pony who has a very full mane and tail and loves to roll. He gets quite messy and I like to keep his mane & tail tangle-free and your product is really wonderful.
L. Bird, Plymouth, Devon.
Just a quick note to say how impressed I am with Natural Equine. I bought Top & Tail at Hickstead. I have an Irish mare with an extremely thick tail and your product was amazing.
H. Thompson, Crawley Down, West Sussex.
Please can I have two more Top & Tail . It’s Fab! Can’t believe the results!
J. Crooks, Oldbury West Midlands.

Jo Bargman and Crumpsbrook Acasia (Cassie to her friends and family!)
Just wanted to drop you a line to say we had an excellent 2nd in class against stiff competition at Crufts yesterday. We washed Cassie our Large Munsterlander the day before using your Canine Shampoo. She looked stunning and everyone commented on how wonderful her coat looked and felt.
As a long-term user of your fantastic equine products – the NEItch lotion has been a lifesaver – I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your dog products too!
Otto and I have just returned from a walk through the woods round Dudmaston lakes. Otto has run, chased squirrels and pheasants and generally had great fun. Then he did what any self respecting dog would do – he popped into the lake for a nice refreshing swim. You might think that would be just perfect because he could get himself clean in the lake… well that is true except that this wet dog then has to get back to the car by going through the muddy paths so by the time he got to the car he was muddier than ever. Thank goodness for Natural Equine Dog Sloshwash – back home, out comes a bucket of warm water with the sloshwash and et voila, a nice clean dog ready for a rub down!

Otto – with flag flying!
So once again Natural Equine hits the spot, thank you!
I should add that Otto has a sensitive skin so I do have to be very careful to keep him clean whilst not stripping out his natural oils and I know that the NE products are formulated to take care of that.
I have sent you a picture of Otto but as I am a proud mum I wanted you to see how lovely he is – plus you really need to understand that as a Munsterlander he has this fantastic tail! So no mud monster here, we are just starting out. His tail (known as his white flag!) is great for keeping track of him in the distance but not only does it get very dirty when we walk, he gets all sorts of stuff stuck in it when he zips through the rough ground. So your detangler is great for keeping his tail silky and tangle free!
Carol Keats, Oreton, Shropshire